Real-time closed captions – we’ve seen them on TV for years thanks to government regulations pushing the technology providers and content producers. As a content producer yourself, you are faced with regulatory compliance as well as the demand from your viewers for real-time captions in your live streams. Until now, you had two choices: use a human transcription service to add captions in real time, or use an on-premise captioning appliance to create the caption stream. Both options are expensive and add scheduling and technical challenges to your live streams.

But there’s good news; you now have a third alternative that’s both easier and less expansive: real-time live captions from Microsoft Azure Media Services.

When you create a live event, you can now select a live source (streaming server) that will automatically transcribe the audio stream and publish machine generated captions in real time during your live stream. These captions are also available to the DVR so that if you rewind during a live stream, you can still access the captions.

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