Schedule a live stream

Schedule a live stream

You can schedule as many live events as you like, as there is no limit on the number of live events. The are only two restrictions on scheduling and they are: Other than that, you can publish your entire live … Continued
Overview of live meeting channels

Overview of live meeting channels

Live meeting channels are permanent URLs that can be dedicated to a single organization, topic, room or anything else where you would want to run your live stream and have users find it easily. This means that a committee could … Continued
Create a live channel

Create a live channel

You can create a large number of dedicated channels to match the complexity of your organization and variety of your meetings. Each channel can have its own custom URL to make it easy to identify and easy for viewers to … Continued
VOD2Live Playlist – Stream VOD as a live stream

VOD2Live Playlist – Stream VOD as a live stream

VOD2Live is a super powerful feature that enables you to stream pre-recorded video content as a live stream on any channel. Ever land on a webpage where video is already playing, similar to turning on the TV in the middle … Continued
Unlisted Live Streams

Unlisted Live Streams

Sometimes there is a need to run a test stream, or to run a stream that you don’t want to advertise as scheduled or running because it isn’t an official public meeting. This can be accomplished by using the Privacy … Continued
Automatically start a live stream

Automatically start a live stream

When you schedule a meeting, you can configure your channel to start automatically. This applies to both the preview and live streams. This feature ties in nicely with cameras and encoders that are operated remotely or are set to start … Continued