Control where videos play with Domain Level Privacy

Control where videos play with Domain Level Privacy

Using the embed code, you can add video to other websites and applications. This powerful sharing feature is extremely useful, but what if you want to restrict the embedding to only certain websites? That’s where Domain Level Privacy can help. … Continued
All about embedding videos

All about embedding videos

How is embedding enabled and controlled? Where can I manage embed codes for my media items? Who can embed a media item? What player parameters can I manage? How can I make the embedded player responsive? Embedding expands the reach … Continued
All about public pages

All about public pages

What is a public page? Who can create a public page? How do I create a public page? How can I share a public page? How can I stop sharing a public page? What is a public page? Sharing content … Continued
How to use responsive embed codes

How to use responsive embed codes

A responsive element is one that adjusts fluidly to changes in the screen size. The growth of mobile and tablet viewing has driven the need for such elements. If you are adding videos to responsive websites, then the video player … Continued
All about uploading media items

All about uploading media items

What can I upload? What information can I add to my upload? How are my media items processed? Can I upload from a mobile device? How do I add captions to my media item? What can I upload? You can … Continued
All about media privacy options

All about media privacy options

What privacy settings are available? How can I set and change a media item’s privacy setting? What happens when I change the privacy setting? Users can control who can view their media items in the portal by using the item’s … Continued
Import Recorded Zoom Meetings

Import Recorded Zoom Meetings

Zoom makes it simple to record meetings but accessing the recordings and sharing them afterward is not simple. Itโ€™s also not possible to create clips or edit the recorded meeting without exporting it. This is why weโ€™ve created the Zoom … Continued
Content retention and custom expiration policies

Content retention and custom expiration policies

If your organization has a content retention policy, you can apply it to the media portal in two ways. Setting the predefined expiration period The first step to setting the expiration period is activating the retention policy. Once the retention … Continued
Auto-delete and auto-purge jobs

Auto-delete and auto-purge jobs

To help manage your media archive, you can use the auto-delete and auto-purge jobs to automatically delete expired items and purge deleted items from storage. These jobs are off by default and can be turned on by contacting Ravnur Support. … Continued