In Ravnur, you have the ability to establish connections between media items and other media items or uploaded attachments. While related media items and attachments may seem similar, there are distinct differences between the two.

Related Media Items: Let’s begin by defining what a media item is in Ravnur. A media item represents a unique content object with its own media item ID and associated properties, such as privacy settings, publishing settings, and metadata. Media items are indexed and can be discovered through search based on their metadata. Additionally, they can be versioned using the content management functionality.

Ravnur allows you to manually establish relationships between media items. These relationships can be one-to-one or one-to-many. When such a relationship is defined, the related media items are displayed on the media details page, where you watch the video. These manually related media items replace the automatically generated ones.

For example, suppose you have a series of videos on a specific topic. By manually creating a list of related media items, you can ensure that only the other videos related to that topic are displayed as related media items. This provides a curated viewing experience for your users.

Attachments: On the other hand, an attachment refers to a file that you can upload and “attach” to a media item. Unlike media items, attachments do not have their own media ID and cannot be discovered through search. They also lack metadata attributes. In contrast to media items, which are typically limited to video and audio files, attachments can be any file type defined in the system configuration.

Attachments provide the means to supplement your media items with additional files, regardless of their format. Whether it’s a PDF, image, spreadsheet, or any other supported file type, you can upload and attach it to a media item, enhancing its content and value.

Understanding the distinction between related media items and attachments allows you to effectively manage and enhance your media content in Ravnur. By establishing connections between media items, you can guide users to related content within your collection. Simultaneously, attachments enable you to enrich your media items with supplementary files, expanding the range of information and resources available to your audience.

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