Prerequisites for live streaming

Prerequisites for live streaming

Before you begin your first live stream, there are a few settings that need to be made. In short, you’ll need a live source (streaming server) to ingest your stream, a live channel which is the destination where the stream … Continued
Schedule a live stream

Schedule a live stream

You can schedule as many live events as you like, as there is no limit on the number of live events. The are only two restrictions on scheduling and they are: Other than that, you can publish your entire live … Continued
Create a live source

Create a live source

A live source is the source of the video stream displayed in the player. It comes from the streaming server (origin server) and you can set up multiple live sources for your application. The number and type of live sources … Continued
Starting a live stream

Starting a live stream

Live streaming with the Ravnur platform is a simple affair. Once the prerequisites are in place, itโ€™s a simple click of the Go live button and youโ€™ll be on the air. Below youโ€™ll find a list of tasks required to … Continued
Setting up an on-premise encoder

Setting up an on-premise encoder

There are a number of software and hardware encoders that work well with Azure Media Services and the list is growing as more companies certify their equipment or software with Microsoft. Please check directly with Microsoft at this page for … Continued
VOD2Live Playlist – Stream VOD as a live stream

VOD2Live Playlist – Stream VOD as a live stream

VOD2Live is a super powerful feature that enables you to stream pre-recorded video content as a live stream on any channel. Ever land on a webpage where video is already playing, similar to turning on the TV in the middle … Continued
Real-time live captioning

Real-time live captioning

Real-time closed captions – we’ve seen them on TV for years thanks to government regulations pushing the technology providers and content producers. As a content producer yourself, you are faced with regulatory compliance as well as the demand from your … Continued
Automatically start a live stream

Automatically start a live stream

When you schedule a meeting, you can configure your channel to start automatically. This applies to both the preview and live streams. This feature ties in nicely with cameras and encoders that are operated remotely or are set to start … Continued
Password protected live events

Password protected live events

What is a password protected live event? When you create a live event, you can choose to require an access code or password to view the event. Viewers who don’t have the password will be able to access the event … Continued