Attachments play a crucial role in enhancing your media items by allowing you to add various files such as PDFs, images, spreadsheets, and more. For instance, suppose you have a video presentation and want to provide viewers with the PowerPoint slide deck. In that case, you can attach the document as an attachment to the video, making it available for viewers to download.

Ravnur supports adding attachments of any file type. By default, the system defines the following file types:

  • Documents: PDF (.pdf), Word (.doc, .docx)
  • Images: PNG (.png), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), GIF (.gif)
  • Spreadsheets: Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
  • Presentations: PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx)

If you need to attach other file types, please reach out to Ravnur support, and they will gladly add those file types for you.

To manage your attachments effectively, you can label them for specific purposes and define whether there can be one or multiple files of each attachment type. Let’s explore a use case that is part of the default configuration: meetings. Typically, a meeting has an agenda, and there should only be one agenda attached. To achieve this, you can create an attachment called “Agenda,” set the file type to .pdf, and restrict the allowed file count to 1. Once this configuration is complete, your users will be able to select the “Agenda” attachment, upload the PDF file, and it will be displayed as the agenda for that meeting.

Similarly, after the meeting, you might want to create meeting minutes. For this purpose, an attachment type called “Minutes” has been pre-configured. Just like the Agenda attachment, it only accepts PDF files and allows for a single file to be attached.

When working with attachments, you should know that they are included in the API response for each media item. This means that you can easily retrieve the file names, labels, and the files themselves to display to your users.

Attachments greatly enhance the functionality and usefulness of your media items in Ravnur. With the flexibility to attach different file types, label them appropriately, and control the number of files, you can seamlessly provide the necessary supplementary content to your viewers.

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