There are a number of software and hardware encoders that work well with Azure Media Services and the list is growing as more companies certify their equipment or software with Microsoft. Please check directly with Microsoft at this page for the most recent list of approved encoders.

Regardless of the encoder, there are a few settings that must be observed in order to prevent discontinuities and stream failure. First consideration is the stream type. When streaming RTMP or RTMPS, you must ensure that your firewall is properly configured.

When streaming via RTMP, check firewall and/or proxy settings to confirm that outbound TCP ports 1935 and 1936 are open.

When streaming via RTMPS, check firewall and/or proxy settings to confirm that outbound TCP ports 2935 and 2936 are open.


  • Codec: H.264
  • Frame rate: 30fps
  • Average bit rate: between 2500kbps and 5000kbps
  • Profile: Main
  • Key frame every 60 frames (2 seconds)
  • Strict constant bit rate
  • Keyframe aligned
  • Width: 1280
  • Height: 720 (you can send 1080, but the cloud encoder will use 720 as its highest quality)


  • Codec: AAC
  • Target bit rate: 192kbps
  • Audio sampling rate: 44.100 kHz

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