You can create a large number of dedicated channels to match the complexity of your organization and variety of your meetings. Each channel can have its own custom URL to make it easy to identify and easy for viewers to remember.

This is particularly useful when you, for example, have standing committees and want to stream every meeting on the same URL that is not shared by any other meetings. You can also embed the channel on the committee’s webpage and thereby ensure that every live stream is also published to that page.

To create a live meeting channel, go to Settings > Live meeting channels. This will bring you to the list view of the live channels. Click on the blue Create live channel button in the upper right corner to begin the process.

  1. Title (required). The title of the channel is displayed on the channel’s public page and tells the viewer where they are.
  2. Description (optional). The description is not shown on the channel’s page, but it is useful metadata for the search engine optimization.
  3. Organization (optional). If you have set up organizations, assign an organization to the channel. This will ensure that all recorded streams are assigned to this organization. Don’t worry, if you need to override that for an individual video, you can.
  4. Default live source (required). You must assign a streaming server to the channel, and these are set up in Settings > Live sources. Please see the topic Live Sources for more information about creating and managing these streaming servers. If you need to change the live source for a particular meeting (e.g. a meeting will take place in a different location and another streaming server is closer), you can override the default live source when you schedule the meeting.
  5. Channel URL (required). Make the channel URL descriptive so that it is easily remembered and guessed by viewers. If you are making a channel for the Finance committee, then appending finance to the URL is something that is memorable and easily understood by viewers.

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